

I Hope She Finds This

A flash of emerald catches my eye,
A force of nature, barely 5 feet high,
In talks and glances, a tale untold,
Feelings left unspoken, could it be bold?
Whispers of Grande in her face I see,
Her hints of smiles, a mystery to me.
The chance to connect, I wish I hold dear.
To share a moment, a presence to feel near.
Perhaps it’s only a wish, a story I want to weave.
Story of hidden affection, I may not believe.
But the heart’s humble hum, can’t be stilled.
It’s dying to know if this dream can be fulfilled.
So I’ll offer a smile, a gesture of grace,
Hope that someday, we will find our own space,
Let’s hope for a bridge, a conversation’s start,
And sometimes, from there, a bonded heart.

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