
My sinkhole

I sit and waste away waiting for the day I get to see you again. Your smile your hug the way you talked. I wish I had known that was the last time I would get to feel your warm embrace or the last time I would hear you say until next time. Next time... never really seemed that far away... but now it’s a life time away... how do I make it to the finish line? How do I push myself to continue on in this world. You were my whole world... my best friend. You got to see the boys grow some too bad you aren’t here now to slap the around for leaving and not saying goodbye. They don’t realize what a mistake they have made. It’s the same one I made with you... by not staying by your side... to say goodbye.

I miss my mom. I wish I had gotten the chance to spend more time with her. She was my rock...my strength...she got me through my days.

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