
Day by day

To every visionary youth out there.

At the wake of each day
He yawns loudly and stretches
With a long chewing stick from a branch
He picks his molars and premolars
And with water yesterday is wiped from face
Now wearing the faith for the new day
He ventures blindly into the wild
A world with taste like a syrupy paste
Thinking like one involved in a child’s play
Not even a trace of an idea to focus on
And lacking pace and grace
He surely lags behind
Yet until dawn he will fight to bound back
But all day long he continues to bite the dust
Then into the night he staunters back home
He yawns loudly and stretches again
Pathetically he will lie fast asleep on his mat
Having no thought for yesterday or tomorrow
If for nothing he is entittled to a long


This poem is born out of actual experience. It exposes the delimma which a visionless, missionless person faces because of the live he has chosen for himself. Such an experience ususlly captures admirably the frustration which accompanies a life typical of the kind painted in the poem.

#Illustrative #SyrupyEtcPaste

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