
When I die you’ll find a new home


“when I die you’ll find a new home”
But I won’t, I won’t because I told you, you were my forever home
Because when I said forever I meant for all future times; for always
I told you that you were my rare syndrome
My rare syndrome without who I would be damaged, not just my body but my heart, my mind, my soul and my gaze.
My home is where you are
My home is where I can heal my scars
My home is where I see you, my biggest star
You’ve given me the home I never had
A place in your heart so deep I know I can’t escape even if all I feel are your ashes
Because you already engraved your name in my story
My home will be in your memories and in your choices
I will remember you through all my unhealed scars and self clashes
with your memory I will live my life in glory
But don’t you worry, you would not be easy to forget because although i wont be able to hold you physically I’ll embrace your warmth through the suns rays.

Other works by Mahi Mundada...
