

A word I dont understand
People like me we dont love
We try though
We dont understand so we do what we think is right
Its so rare for someone to love us
So in fear of losing them
We do whatever they tell us to do
No matter how bad it is
I hate
Its useless but common
Its not understandable
No matter how close you think you are to each other
Everyone one leaves you eventually
Yet better dying with someone than alone
I might feel
I might be inlove
But i still will lie
I still will hate
For I am a useless
A useless mistake
is something I am confused by
I have a bad past of love failing
Why the screaming?
Why the fights?
Oh mother
Why can’t you make this right?
You know he’s bad, so please just let him go
It’s a better path
No no wait I need to understand
For I love my mother
she loves me most
But I need to know why
Why love allowed you to make me cry
Its a virus we are addicted to
Like pills in bottle
Personally I believe love is plain awful

Other works by OctaviaJackson...
