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Poetry Goddess

Well where to start....My name is Alexandria Annette Eastman but please feel free to call me Lex or Lexi everyone else does. :) I was born in Bangor Maine I had two parents like everyone else, plus a older brother named Daniel, a older sister named Sheila, and the youngest, my little sister Ivy. My childhood was hard, I was forced to grow up in foster care, moving from home to home, living from day to day. My mother died when I was 15, I was never very close to my father. Daniel and Sheila lived with their father and Ivy stayed with our aunt and uncle, a pair I never really got along with so I moved to a group home for troubled kids and 3 yrs later Ivy and I were reunited and were moved to Northern Maine where we found a place where we could call home. Our new family was a huge family of adopted kids and although most were grown we still got to know them. Soon after we were adopted and were finally with a family. They taught me alot over the 8 years that they have been my parents and I am greatful for them. In 2008 I graduated high school, went to college and soon after married my College sweetheart Josh in January of 2010. We now have one son and for us that is enough for now although we would like one more in the future. Aside from all the drama that is my life, although hard and difficult at times I am thankful for it because without it I wouldn't be who I am today, a stronger and better person. I have always been sort of socially awkward and I was okay with that because I would rather be me that to act like someone I am not. My poetry is my freedom and it is my way of communicating. I am a pretty fun loving person and very out going but family is everything to me. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for them.
