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Lennell Haley

Bore and raise in Los Angeles, California, Lennell Haley has lived in a variety of locations that gave her wisdom and insight into the human experience. Some experiences she would say are the impetus for many of her writings such as the period she and her family lived in the Imperial Courts Projects(off of 114th Grape Street) in Watts, California. Ms. Lennell Haley received her public school education in the State of California graduating from LeRoy Locke High School in 1973. She attended Southwest Junior College where she received Early Childhood Education Credits which led substitute teaching in the Compton School Distinct. She enjoyed working with students especially in the area of creative writing during the 15 years spent in the classroom. A high moment in her career was when Ms. Haley received publication in 2008 with four poetry pieces being accepted by International Poetry Writing along with an invitation to attend one of the largest poetry conventions in the world. An honor received during the event, held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada, was being awarded runner-up in the Newly Published Writer's category; this occasion was the impetus for other doors to begin opening. Ms. Haley considers her writing abilities a blessing from God and humbles herself gracefully. With no formal training, Ms. Haley says that the words begin to flow from within the moment she opens herself to God and begins to recognize that it is only through Him that she can express herself fully and honestly. She has stated many times that, "I write as the words come forth...period. "Her first memorable piece entitled, "Flowing Angel", was written in 2006. Ms. Haley says, "I was blessed with the skill of poetry writing in the simplest form which helps many others to be able to relate to and be healed by my words. Since 2006, Ms Haley has moved to Tulsa, OK and has published two books. her first book was cathartic being just the tool needed to open the floodgates towards healing. Over time, Ms. Haley penned her second book that opened her eyes as it dealt with a subject many do not acknowledge in the African American community--mental abuse. Her second book entitled "The Covering of God" is about live as a Christian and a sinner with insight into the understanding that if we man/woman falls, they have the right to get back up and try again. Ms. Haley believes that by knowing that as long as we have breath in our bodies each day we will learn something different, this ongoing learning will help us to grow into whom God Almighty created us to be.


Hello my name is Rosalind and I first started writing poetry in April of 2011. I am a born again Christian and have a wonderful relationship with father God I would have never imagined for one second that God had given me a gift for writing poems. It is a great opportunity to be sharing the word of god with you, I have been praying that the lord would provide funds for my poetry to be published. I first grew up with a mother had mental health problems and wasn't able to give me the love required to grow and develop into a stable young adult. My mum came from an very abusive background and most of her life she would show a pattern of inconsistency and this affected me badly most of my childhood days were very lonely and i had no friends and was bullied for most of my childhood days as a result my school work suffered and i was at the bottom class at school. When I was sixteen I became unwell and had a nervous breakdown I was in hospital for months and event I made a recovery some of my poetry speaks about these terrible moments in my life I went on to marry an abusive man and had 5 children by him and later had another broken relationship, evidently met a wonderful loving christian man we have been together for six years and just got married on the 16th Dec we happy together God can take the weak and to wonderful things i carried a lot of shame for most of my life. I found it difficult to make eye to eye contact because of it, but now God has taken my shame and brokenness and turned it round I do believe if I hadn't suffered all this pain both as a child and adult I would have definitely not been writing poetry today I do hope that my poems will change lives and turn them around. I have 4 sons and 3 daughters and 3 grandchildren and one on the way. I live in Scotland in the UK I am 55 nearly 56 I am so thrilled to be doing this work for the lord it is a pleasure.
