
Equus Sapiens

Supping with Landor and Donne

Quantum linguistics conspires a seer
Concocting time in astrology for fun
Wherefore Copernicus reverse the run
Wherein Earth obvert Apollo’s steer
Repositioning the solar locus;
Thence planetary orbital chariot drill
Obey the dictum, “Sun thou standest still!”
That, though still wrong, changes focus.
Other alchemical notables significate:
Newton navigates collateral optics—
Contemporary with Sidney’s debate
Defending poetry versus Plato’s politics
Whereby Plato humiliate poets by ouster
From his Republican Academic roster.
Microscopically, as focusing College,
Sidney associate Solon, Lawgiver,
As foremost a Poet, whose Politics deliver
What later Shelley, the Poet, ironic acknowledge
As the “Unacknowledged Legislator of the World.”
Lesser as truth is Sidney’s consanguine procure
Of Horse as primitive poetic alternatives concur
Preceding Plato’s Gyges reference unfurled
In “Beauty faith and courage...”
Sir Philip would "To have wished myself a horse!”
Bemuses as flesh, Homer’s brazen mirage,
“Interlacing mère tales as Gyges," worse *
Persuaded at Pugliano’s Riding School
Inside the supreme Lippizaner breeding pool
Perforce in years of lineage
Do Human riders prefer
Their mounts reveal an age
Such as History refer
As Louis D’Or of France
Whose Habsburg diplomacy
Keep astride the art of Dance:
La Balle c’est ca; qua non, ‘Ballet’
Assume anatomic change askance
Whereso foot of ballerina stance
Turn into hoof of Equine balance
Which in eon years evolve five toe
Reduced to one aligned in shoe
Strapped on, not nailed; as for Horses do.

From 'Tartar Arbor' narrative verse following Byron's "Mazeppa" and Pushkin's "Poltava"

#/*ThatIs #AWoodenHorse #OfCourse
