

The lights go out I’m all alone Dark and cold there’s no one home nothing can harm me I think I am free. Minutes go by I can’t find sleep now here comes the horrors, nightmares not dreams. Guess it would be alright, but I’m wide awake not sound asleep. This is nothing new to me. I’ve been this way many times before. Experience tells me it’s time for some pain, my enemy has snuck in here once again. I would rather be out there in the mean streets, where criminals and psychos can torture me. I would rather them get me, skin to be cut open bones to be broken. Doctors and hospitals to fix me, and time will heal the breaks and tears. Pills to ease the extraordinary pain, police to help keep it from happening again. But tonight I’m helpless alone in my head with my thoughts of my history to punish me time and again, no one can hurt me better than this. Without any defense there’s no lying no alibis, no one can help me. For all of this I get the same sentence LIFE in a prison all alone with me. Judge jailer and jury stuck and no way out!!!!!! At times when I’m sleeping rare but I do, a beautiful voice tells me " Robert I love you no need to fear freedom I promise forgiveness is dear tell me you love me I’ll open your door you are my dear child I want you in pain no more wake now and you should know the things you must do you know I will give you freedom once more.

4/29/15 2am written by sorrow and pain author never wants to be seen again.


I found this Today 8/21/15 I wrote this but I don't remember doing so. I am really unable to remember putting these words together. I'm pleased with this because it's mine.

