

anxiety gets a hold of my pen and acid bubbles up into my mouth.
bones twisted and split between planks of wood with a firm grip.
the hand of reality smacks soft flesh.
my assortment of security flows down my throat and into acid followed by a splash of hydrogen and oxygen.
trace my sanity with machines and test runs.
measure happiness on a scale.
find the crevices of my brain laid out on a map show me what goes where.
Look! my soul is in a test tube.
bruised fingertips from gripping the remains of my reality.
let it boil.
let it rot.
add some blood to the veins and the recipe is complete.
it’s alive! it’s alive!
embers survived the cold.
the candies look so good in the brightly colored bottle.
let them caress my neurons and tickle them on the way to my senses.
slowly lick the smiles of ignorance and innocence.
one day they will all realize it was all an empty chest.

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