
Life and No Regrets

365Nectar #48

365Nectar #48 Life and No Regrets
Sun. November 10, 2013 11:26 P.M.
Wildly dancing down Devil’s highway to heaven
life on the line...
Unrecognizable negatives
illuminating the revolution of evolution...
Exploration of afterthought with a loaded gun
elaborate irrational Rats emerge...
Neglected emotions stomp out the room in a crazed tantrum
and embellished restrictions gloat as enthusiastic whimsy encourages...
Unpublished tolerance collects dust
as a swollen hot head self-justifies and bamboozles life’s strategy...
Habitual self-inflicted torture driven by constant social pressure
and reflective adaptation is blamed for birthing excessive pain....
Premature gestation period makes the difficult practically impossible and Scavengers take obvious advantage of impediments...
An overall reckoning...
Confined to an ever-diminishing brain
with the threat of imminent extinction...
Turn your disadvantage into great advantage... abort helplessness and manipulate a spiral of effective intelligence...
Be Unapologetic with Deliberate...
Absolutely Decisive with Destructive...
then sign-off with NO REGRETS.
http://nectarfromthebronxpeach.blogspot.com/ http://reverbnation.com/nectarfromthebronxpeach
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nectarfromthebronxpeach/415357895235341 @365Nectar #365Nectar @bronxpeach
Other works by Nectar From The Bronx Peach...
