

I am physically exhausted, out of breath.
Treading water.
My arms ache, legs are cramping.
My heart beat is deafening.
   Trying to stay on top.
Bombarded by tidal waves.
Like a bobber I bounce up and down. 
    As I gasp for my last God given breath and close my eyes,
I realize this is a test.
Even with this great epiphany,
My human nature fights and struggles while my lungs fill with fluid.
   My last fight is done,
I have finally won.
When my eyes are forced shut, and I leave this shell, they eternally reopen.
    I find myself searching for the bottom of the ocean,
There are no waves, 
Just still,
Quiet peaceful darkness.
Searching for a treasure not found on top,
I had to go down. 
This is my eternal prize,
An answer, or better yet,
A confirmation to the many “whys”.


Other works by Danny Mf'n Stone...
