#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters
“All that I ask,” says Love, “is… And gaze, unchided, deep in thy de… For in their depths lies largest… Yet, if perchance one pressure of… Be granted me, then joy I thought…
Somebody said, in the crowd, last… That you were married, or soon to… I have not thought of you, I beli… Since last we parted. Let me see… Five long Summers have passed sin…
Alone she sat with her accusing he… That, like a restless comrade frig… And every thought that found her,… That hurt her so, she could not ev… Her heart that once had been a cup…
There are curious isles in the Ri… Curious isles without number. We’ll visit them all as we leisure… Down the winding stream whose curr… In our beautiful barge of Slumber…
Slipping away—slipping away! Out of our brief year slips the M… And Winter lingers, and Summer fl… And Sorrow abideth, and Pleasure… And the days are short, and the ni…
The meadow lark-s trill and the br… From morning to evening fill all t… And my heart is as light as the do… The world is so bright and the ear… There is life in the wood, there i…
Sitting alone by the window, Watching the moonlit street, Bending my head to listen To the well-known sound of your fe… I have been wondering, darling,
Into the gloom of the deep, dark n… With panting breath and a startled… Swift as a bird in sudden flight Darts this creature of steel and s… Awful dangers are lurking nigh,
With brooding mien and sultry eyes… Outside the gates of Paradise Eve sat, and fed the faggot flame That lit the path whence Adam cam… (Strange are the workings of a wom…
Not Atlas, with his shoulders ben… Bore such a burden as this man, on… The evils of old festering lands-y… And left him standing all alone, t… It is the way the Fates have done…
Oh! I feel the growing glory Of our life upon this sphere, Of the life that like a river Runs forever and forever, From the somewhere to the here,
I strolled last eve across the lon… One solitary picture struck my eye… A distant ploughboy stood against… How far he seemed above the noisy… Upon the bosom of a cloud the sod
I and my Soul are alone to-day, All in the shining weather; We were sick of the world, and put… So we could rejoice together. Our host, the Sun, in the blue, b…
Love thyself last. Look near, be… To those who walk beside thee down… Make glad their days by little act… And help them bear the burden of e… Love thyself last. Look far and…
I was in Dijon when the war’s wil… Was at its loudest; when there was… From dawn to dawn, save soldiers m… Or rattle of their wagons in the s… When every engine whistle would re…