#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
359 I gained it so— By Climbing slow— By Catching at the Twigs that gro… Between the Bliss—and me—
133 As Children bid the Guest “Good… And then reluctant turn— My flowers raise their pretty lips… Then put their nightgowns on.
51 I often passed the village When going home from school— And wondered what they did there— And why it was so still—
45 There’s something quieter than sle… Within this inner room! It wears a sprig upon its breast— And will not tell its name.
781 To wait an Hour—is long— If Love be just beyond— To wait Eternity—is short— If Love reward the end—
Why – do they shut Me out of Heav… Did I sing – too loud? But – I can say a little “minor” Timid as a Bird! Wouldn’t the Angels try me –
99 New feet within my garden go— New fingers stir the sod— A Troubadour upon the Elm Betrays the solitude.
979 This Merit hath the worst— It cannot be again— When Fate hath taunted last And thrown Her furthest Stone—
733 The Spirit is the Conscious Ear. We actually Hear When We inspect—that’s audible— That is admitted—Here—
866 Fame is the tine that Scholars le… Upon their Setting Names— The Iris not of Occident That disappears as comes—
607 Of nearness to her sundered Thing… The Soul has special times— When Dimness—looks the Oddity— Distinctness—easy—se ems—
The Butterfly’s Assumption Gown In Chrysoprase Apartments hung This afternoon put on— How condescending to descend And be of Buttercups the friend
1510 How happy is the little Stone That rambles in the Road alone, And doesn’t care about Careers And Exigencies never fears—
373 I’m saying every day “If I should be a Queen, tomorrow… I’d do this way— And so I deck, a little,
323 As if I asked a common Alms, And in my wondering hand A Stranger pressed a Kingdom, And I, bewildered, stand—