
Stress is a powerful thing

A gigaton of knowledge rests
upon my loneliest friends breast.
Her ribs, they crack I see them strain,
to hold the pressure, but keep the pain.
There was one time, I saw her snap,
and this girl I knew she was replaced
with something primal, fearful, aching, screeching
wailing, wanting, clutching, clawing -
No doubt a banshee would’ve been impressed.
The moment passed, she gathered up,
the pieces of her knowledge cup
and poured the weight of words back in
and placed it gently with her sin.
She never spoke of stress anon,
I guess her silent monster won
or perhaps she just gave up.


Stress and anxiety are very prevalent issues in todays world, and affect many of us, if not directly then via someone else. Drug prescriptions are generally seen as giving up to dealing with stress in a healthy way, I don't necessarily think this is the case. Here, a friend of mine believed strongly that pills would indicate her demise as a strong human. You make your mind up.

#Anxiety #Health #MentalStress #Suffering

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