
Writing Spain

By J Ann Crowder

Of native words my tongue in English speaks, though in secret I long to write Spain
I long to sail with caballitos de mar
To admire Mediterranean blue
To sink into tides where beaches meet Asturias; there I long to climb her rugged coastline and drink her sultry air
Architecture old as bristle coned pines of Methuselah enshrine her vestiges
I long to touch bristle coned pines and see what they have seen
Alas, I long to walk the cobbled roads of Spain
Writing Spain as I marvel at Spanish mountains clinging to Spanish beaches with snowy sand, crowned by a Spanish turquoise sea(la mar de Spain the seamen call her)
I long to venture further still, from her beautiful seas to each of her shining vistas
I would admire
I could sing Spain with Berganza on Bellido’s strings of Zarzuelas
I could dream of living within the dreams of "The Tenth Muse”
To live within her golden lines, writing Spain
Painting rose gardens the color of ginger sunrises glowing afire beneath a Spanish dawning sun
Writing Spain
Thus drawing from my heart and into others' hearts
Filling bells, chiming whimsies of my soul struck
Sharing what I gaze upon, in memorable wonder, with words
Writing Spain

I'm not actually an expert on Spain or Spanish so feel free to suggest corrections if needed. Some of the names are of famous artists who were born in Spain and or of Spanish decent.

This poem is Inspired by my love of travel and seeing other countries and learning of their own unique contributions to art. I particularly love Spain. Written April 12th 2016.

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