
goddesses (déesses)

I hear of  goddesses
I sometimes imagine their beauty
described with endless value of gold
same category as fine china
in a piano of beautiful chords
designed to play perfect melodies
Then again,
I don’t believe such beauty exist
and if they’re truly guardians
guardians of what, then?
for they guide maidens not
toward innocent beauty
strengthening  their weakened souls
so they don’t give love their all
when everything’s at risk
they guide maidens not
toward a life of happiness
nor a future full of promises
so, they exist not
they’re only an illusion between dreams
faded words within fine ink
so what do they do?
sit around?
or are they simply a tease of beauty?
are they in control of the runways?
simply an object to promote these products
guides their skin toward fatal shame
in order to degrade and spread others with envy
I believe I’m beautiful
so my beauty prevails
within and speaks outside
but what about them?
are they beautiful with  no cost?
or are they a mirage within air,
a flaw  withholding value?
are they a lie toward beauty?
do they use their status to gain power
to steal men from their women
with their false beauty?
so hard to explain
but easy to be lured
imprisoned within their skin
I hear of goddesses
fed by the souls of maiden virgins
gain beauty by the blood of the innocence
I hear of goddesses
I believe they’re a curse to beauty
so let my imperfect beauty
fade within their reach
so I hear of goddesses
I refuse to be a victim
I hear of goddesses
I know I’m beautiful for real

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