Caricamento in corso...

My Life As A Story

I sit and wonder what my life is like
What type of story it is
And if my life was alright
Is my life a comedy? Tragedy?
At this point I don’t even know
But I guess there still is time a long the road
But when I re-read the chapters
And really think about what I’ve done or said
I start to feel a tsunami of emotions
Take over me
They come on me so fast
That I don’t know what to do
They break my heart and soul
And make me fall and crash
The things I’ve done before are so horrid it scares me
I was a little girl who grew up to fast
And knew things I shouldn’t have known
I was in a protective bubble
Yet things still penetrated me
I had protective parents
But that didn’t stop anything
My life as a book would be a lot of things
Scary, funny, sad, maybe even depressing
I’m not saying I don’t enjoy my life
It’s just sometimes I wanted it to end...
But that my friend is for another chapter...

Piaciuto o affrontato da...
Altre opere di Kay...
