
recollections of a different life

Recollections of a different life
The lazy drip drip drip of old cringes
Flake from its ceiling and float down
On my new mind it scratches, impinges
Who was I when I wasn’t me, now
How strange my views and hopes
Cocooned in a cotton wool world
The envy of none but me
Sepia thread bare memories linger
In this tattered album behind my eyes
Wry smiles and frowns forced to play
Sentimental routes through ire alone
Sacrificial love affairs drown me still
A tapestry of doubt woven by hurt
I’ll put this album back to gather dust
I don’t need the pain it brings anymore
Old blazes smoulder beyond coolants
Ricocheting with songs on the radio
Closed eyes reveal rows of flowers
A remembrance garden thriving
Permeating like breath, a slow exhale
This ghost of sadness kept alive
By the hopes dreams and fears shared
Recollections of a different life


We all spend time languishing pensive at nostalgias door

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