

Crying. Everyone has cried. Whether as a baby or as an adult, we all have done it.

I’ve spilled most of my tears because of “love.” Because my girlfriend and I broke up.
Because i had a crush on a girl and she didn’t felt the same way.  

It’s terrible. Having so many feelings for a person who doesn’t feel half as much as you do.
Liking someone so much to the point where you just want to lay down and cry because the feeling isn’t mutual.

The Tears. They don’t solve the problem. But they help. They help vent. They help to ease the pain.

There is no shame in crying. Crying is the only thing you can do. No one is a wuss because they cry. It shows that your heart really did feel something and that you actually did care about that person. And it hurts. It hurts to find out that things aren’t like we want them to be.

I’ve cried. I’ve cried because I’ve liked someone who didn’t like me back.

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