
Prayer of a Mystic


1. For giving me the gift of foresight, that I may assist others with understanding of what I see that they cannot; that they may be better guided in their lives and endeavors through spirituality and light work.

2. For giving me the gifts which so few understand, and say they would love to have, but surely do not.

3. For teaching me how important it is that I help others, as opposed to only myself while inviting and re-creating a lifestyle of gluttony, desire, and other things ungodly.

4. And for teaching me to be humble, patient, loving, understanding, and here on this earth to be one of the strong ones, who can handle hearing, and accept without judgment, the voices and cries of souls that are either lost, found, or searching; both dead and alive.

I accept my duties, for I am a Mystic.

Olivia Pope-Friedman 1999


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