Caricamento in corso...


Everything is a reaction
to everything.
This sentence is a reaction
to the last.
The periods at the end are all reactions
to a complete sentence (at least I’d hope so).
My ability to write is a reaction
to a lesson in linguistics once taken
in a quaint first-grade classroom, reaction
bent under the authority
of the overtly aggressive and impatient revolutions
of the grey haired Ms. Blan,
who was ready to retire.
I wish she had done so sooner.
Now she is immortalized in my history
as a teacher (the profession
she desperately wanted to leave behind),
in my memoirs
and my writings
she is a cursed teacher
React to that, bitch.

In pace requiescat!

Piaciuto o affrontato da...
Altre opere di The Verse...
