#Americans #Blacks
Slow moves the pageant of a climbi… Their footsteps drag far, far belo… And, unprevailing by their utmost… Seem faltering downward from each… No strange, swift—sprung exception…
I’S feelin’ kin’ o’ lonesome in m… An’ my min’s done los’ de minutes… W’ile it teks me back a—flyin’ to… Whaih de Chesapeake goes grumblin… Oh, de ol’ plantation’s callin’ to…
THERE’s a memory keeps a-runnin’ Through my weary head to-night, An’ I see a picture dancin’ In the fire-flames’ ruddy-light; 'Tis the picture of an orchard
MY muvver’s ist the nicest one 'At ever lived wiz folks; She lets you have ze mostes’ fun, An’ laffs at all your jokes. I got a ol’ maid auntie, too,
I’VE always been a faithful man An’ tried to live for duty, But the stringent mode of life Has somewhat lost its beauty. The story of the generous bread
If Death should claim me for her… And softly I should falter from y… Oh, tell me, loved one, would my m… And would my image in your heart a… Or should I be as some forgotten…
A LOVER whom duty called over t… With himself communed: ‘Will my l… If left to herself? Had I better… Some friend to watch over her, goo… But my friend might fail in my nee…
The sun hath shed its kindly light… Our harvesting is gladly o’er Our fields have felt no killing bl… Our bins are filled with goodly st… From pestilence, fire, flood, and…
Across the hills and down the narr… And up the valley where the free w… The earth is folded in an ermined… That mocks the melting mirth of my… Departed her disheartening duns an…
DEY was oncet a awful quoil 'twix… De pot was des a—bilin’ an’ de ski… Dey slurred each othah’s colah an’… W’ile de coal—oil can des gu—gled,… De pot, hit called de skillet des…
Back to the breast of thy mother, Child of the earth! E’en her caress can not smother What thou hast done. Follow the trail of the westering…
When summer time has come, and all The world is in the magic thrall Of perfumed airs that lull each se… To fits of drowsy indolence; When skies are deepest blue above,
I has hyeahd o’ people dancin’ an’… An’ I ‘s been ’roun’ lots of otha… But of all de whistlin’ da’kies da… De whistlin’est I evah seed was o… In de kitchen er de stable, in de…
WHAT says the wind to the waving… What says the wave to the river? What means the sigh in the passing… Why do the rushes quiver? Have you not heard the fainting cr…
Prometheus stole from Heaven the… And swept to earth with it o’er la… He lit the vestal flames of poesy, Content, for this, to brave celest… Wroth were the gods, and with eter…