
Lost and Never Found

There in the dark she waits for her but she never comes,
She waits to comfort her but she is never there to comfort,
She is never there at all,
You can look at her pictures but never her,
You can hug her cloths and stuffed animals but never her,
You can be lonely but never with her,
You can never do anythig with her,
You can never do anything for her,
You can never be with her,
You have to wait for her and dream about her,
You can imagine her but never be by her side or with her until she returns to where she belongs,
Home with her family and friends,
Home with hope and love and dreams,
Hopes of being happy again,
Of never being alone again,
Of never being with that strange kidnapper again,
But neever shall she until feels for them and returns her safely,
Never hurt and mever abused or hit,
Alive not dead,
But no,
They have no say,
They have never had a say,
He took her and now she is gone.


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