#Americans #XXCentury #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
I only met one student at City College that I liked, Robert Becker. He wanted to be a writer. “I’m going to learn everything there is to learn about writing. It will be like taking a ca...
in the afternoon they lean against one another and you can see how much they like the sun.
the essence of the belly like a white balloon sacked is disturbing like the running of feet on the stairs
I got up for a glass of water and as I walked into the kitchen I saw Picasso walk up to Joyce and lick her ankle. I was barefooted and she didn’t hear me. She had on high heels. She loo...
consistency is terrific: shark-mouth grubby interior with an almost perfect body, long blazing hair—
nobody goes downtown anymore the plants and trees have been cut… Pershing Square the grass is brown and the street preachers are not a…
during my worst times on the park benches in the jails or living with whores
he spoke to mice and sparrows and his hair was white at the age… his father beat him every day and… lit candles in the church. his grandmother came while the boy…
the bulls are grand as the side of… and although they kill them for th… it is the bull that burns the fire… and although there are cowardly bu… there are cowardly matadors and co…
There are sketches on the walls of… and outside a large green bus swer… insanity sprung from a waving line… says the radio, and Jane Austin,… “I am going to do her portrait on…
drunk and writing poems at 3 a.m. what counts now is one more tight
That Tuesday night we were sitting at my place drinking; Tammie, me and her brother, Jay. The phone rang. It was Bobby. “Louie and his wife are down here and she’d like to meet you.” Lo...
this time has finished me. I feel like the German troops whipped by snow and the communists walking bent with newspapers stuffed into
they took my man off the street the other day he wore an L.A. Rams sweatshirt w… the sleeves cut off
I suppose it’s raining in some Sp… while I’m feeling bad like this; I’d like to think so now.