
Transcend Yourself

I haven't posted in so long I felt it was time to share some of what I've been working on. it's a bit different. The song I added is part of the inspiration for this one. I didn't come close to his message lol. But still, here goes...

The frustrations that I’ve developed
Through knowledge gained over time
Have transformed into an energy
Filled with love for all Lifekind
...And this energy
I feel within me
Isn’t just for me alone…
Yes it’s true
It’s for you too
Each and every single life alive
We need to seek this at quickened stride
Help the cause
Feel the love
Know Your Self
And become below as above
We can’t do this alone
The love from the Unknown alone
Just isn’t enough
We Must Share
Beyond what it may feel like is there
Let us mend the cracks of separations crust
Before it completely separates us
From that which first fed and bathed us
The earth, in all her beauty place your trust
Please open up...
Listen to more than the voice inside
Feel that you are strong
Open up to receive with your mind
Understand your bond
It’s just a voice within your head
You are so much more than just a voice
You were born free of these voices
Innocent without this story and it’s choices
You were as you still are
And as you were you still are whole
But somewhere inside you let the energy take control
The voice inside does not reside within the soul
You are a soul, you have a body, that body developed a voice
And it made the choice to feel separated from the whole
Let us mend the cracks of separations crust
Help the cause
Know Your Self
Feel the love


One Love :)

#Earth #Growth #Life #Love #Peace

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