
scotlands navy

Sir Andrew wood

sir Andrew wood
knighted by a king
for battle won
under the sun
history will
have to say
Scotland nelson
was admiral
of his day
dock’s his ships
at largo bay
walk up
to the hill
looking out
to the sea
misty fog
to clear
to see largo house
what a sight to see
hunting tusks
make a fortune i must
walrus meat
for the starving
ivory for carving
better then a farthing
top of the kirk
in the tower
with power
cometh the hour
what a shower
head in chains
to give you pain
with hands tied
with pirates heads in sand
sir Stephan bull
England ships
tried to surprise
sail into the forth
wood was there
to bulls despair
claimed victory
sail down the tay
victory all the way
to a English pride
with a dent
in her pride
go back home
to think again
the great Michael
year and a day to build
master carpenters
of there day
have to say
gave a three hundred salute
best war ship of it’s. day
sir wood last stand
last of my command
with English prisoners
build me a canal
to row me across
to thy church
was my final demand

Scotland independent country before the union
try to put in a poem of navy battle with england
most of it is true most people never new scotland
at the time never had a navy also about its admiral and the
war ships he built hope you like a bit of history
this was in the year of 1480 82 James the third was Scots king
and king henry on the English throne

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