
Consultants That We Are

Consultants That We Are

No matter if our self-esteem has gone astray or still with us, we are still a consultant to someone who needs it.  Those who even idle away their days and nights become dreamers and can piece together fragments of those dreams to advise and feed a hungry mind.  A ditch digger is knowledgeable about the mystery of what lies beneath the soil and what the rain does to it.  The philosopher can discover new concepts with his prudent searching.  
The human mind, in harmony with God’s will, is busy as it remains in thought.  These thoughts deepen into revelations, which become truths, as they authorize us to become consultants and master of that thought.  Since we have become the master, we have earned the authority to advise.  If our idleness pulls us down, we can still lift ourselves back up with the reassurance that we are worthy.  We are all esteemed consultants.  We are more than we think we are.

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