

Tis so endearing the way you fell to sleep
Like a scented angel searching the sky
You are like an exotic beauty that I wish to reep
And your love I know I surely cannot buy
She unravels many secrets beneath my shade
Yet I sense there’s one that remains in haste
It flows in the unconscious of her mind set
For even she is not aware of what I acknowledge she behold
I render my love, though I feel it’s never enough
Like one day I’ll surrender and fall beneath her circle of love
Hence I have never touched such compelling trust
I feel like a cluster of rush, you puffed.
Will I ever know what your mystery upholds?
Rather will I untangle the knots of your love making?
Or would you forever leave my sight, untold
Though you give me your word of existence within my soul, forever
Would you ever show me what I hope?
Tenderly, she rose to sleep, leaving me open till the morning come.

Is it weird I wrote this poem for one person but it ended up being for someone else? That someone else is Ofcourse the one my heart lives for.but the one this poem Is supposed to belong to,she is special too,like the summer in my winter, the rainbow in my storm. I have tasted some bitter love for her, but my real love belongs to other, my storm. My life has always been dark,and I will always love the storm over the rainboww.Is it weird that when ever i try to move away my heart draws a circle back to you. How is it that I have become so possessed of you? Is it you that my mind only seeks for. How do I move forward? When all I crave is you in every breath I take.

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