
Too Many Questions And Not Enough Answers

Do I cry?
Or do I take it like a man?
Curl up and die?
Or just get by as best I can?
Let us contemplate all options that there could be,
I can’t envision it will help in any way but let’s see,
The first one is suicide, just end it and be free,
It’s tempting but it would cause pain to people close to me.
So that’s a no go, next up I believe is lashing out,
Put fists through walls and fight with everyone and scream and shout.
That sounds too familiar, did I do that before?
I seem to recall having a few holes still in my door.
And many walls and wardrobes and some other peoples’ doors,
Yes it did happen before but I forgot the cause.
What was the outcome? Good or bad? I can’t remember shit.
But things aren’t so great now so no good could have come from it.
Well that’s another option out the window, what could there be now?
Ah yes, to just get on with life and not let anything faze you,
To train your brain to become so numb that nothing can amaze you,
Just keep your feelings in a place where they can’t be disrupted,
But last time you did that your entire body just erupted!
Don’t you remember? You just exploded!
You stayed so quiet, and just corroded,
Until one day it got too much and you exploded!
So there’s another path we cannot take because you wore it out,
Another option that we will now have to work without.
So what now? Call out for help? And say what?
You can’t even work out the problem you’ve got.
Do you remember the cause of the spiralling pain?
Can you backtrack to what first made you go insane?
You try but there’s a serious kink in the chain,
It’s knotted so tight you can’t function your brain,
It has to come loose before you can explain,
You pull to unknot but you can’t take the strain,
It pulls back too strong for one man to maintain,
It has more gravitational force than a train,
You give up, and everything just stays the same,
All hope of calling out slips down the drain.
So that’s it, have I covered every available action?
Is that to everyone’s satisfaction?
That was rhetorical, just letting all my words be dancers,
While I stew over too many questions and not enough answers.


I'm not really sure where I was going with this one, it's about mixed emotions that I cant seem to work out. Questions that only I could answer yet I don't even understand the questions. Pretty sad huh!


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