Caricamento in corso...

Three Sonnets

I. Swift our passage in midmorning hours;
we crossed tide plains downstate
faint of speech, abiding in peace to anticipate
the miles to come—imaginative, I strode the bowers
of my best history, times I were unacquainted
with sacrifices of heart—before you, I was not in love.
An Osprey sailed bored courses above
our cottoned land specked by wood barns tainted
from crueler labors, now safe beyond our time;
We were fellows, unbounded in a stormless nation...
We quit the roadway and beheld sapphire variations;
the sea’s rich taxonomy of airs
veering their welcome, their odd brine—
To Hatteras I leave my boyhood; that September...
You ran for the tide—I lingered timidly behind—
Halting at the brink, you watched water undulate
before you—cold, unwon, insatiate.
I statued myself, to commit you, heart and mind
to the orchestral fathoms, callous underworlds.
You arced your warm body, dove mind first—
had I imagined your return? Alone I rehearsed
sordid destinies—then, fizzing chariots would herald
you forward like liberty!—you stumbled out like a gift
of indeterminable horizons. I went for you
but, entering, the sea calmed into a blue
and solemn length. Together in blue-green motions
we treaded lightless environs—laughing one laugh, adrift
the mystery of water, whose gasps phrased you my devotion.
Now souled with rest, our exhaustion march;
our ascent. We stretched, sun frisking our nude
for whatever water remained—a homecoming, an attitude
of wellness. A seabird took wing; its pearlescent arch
shot through with sunbeams; purer affectations
which concluded you: Envisage of Fate
intertwined with thrill. I reasoned away mortality, reinstated
my gaze upon the sea riotous with derision
swapping tone under cloud; disordering my assumption.
In my wonder, I traced your goodness:
Drops—no, crystals!—rolled off your ribs, aimless
refugees of a Spartan sun begging the vestiges
of virtue from your tall form, breaking my conscription
to all fears—and this was the worth of the ages...
