
i really don't know when i got changed

spring and summer over and over changed me

i don’t know when my charm has gone
i never know when it happened
a few years ago, i was damn pretty
but now wrinkles around my cheeks makes me weird
i sat beside the bridge and watch the flow of water
its the same force and pace, it had before
but it changed me, my changes really changed me
but i am the same one, that was before
i dont fathom the way i changed
i don’t know why bee buzzing, flowing water never change
sometime tears roll over my cheeks
and i curse the way i changed
it was the change of spring and summer over and over
but i never realised it would change me too
my wrinkles, and an old voice now makes me feel sad
but i have to accept it as a human cycle from birth to death


old age really kills us but it is truth that one day everyone have to be old and die.
