

A New Way of Seeing It All
In the dungeon, nothing but utter darkness
That even without a blindfold, no one can see
But in the upper room, we can see the world;
The light exposes what is; and even what will be
Sadly, most of us live in our private dungeons
Somber rooms with no locked doors and no walls
Yet our thoughts are chained notwithstanding
By our biased notions of what’s true or false
We are captives of our tenets and paradigms
Our way of doing things, of viewing the world
Our eyes have scales that block our sight
That sometimes what’s real, we can’t behold
Perhaps it’s time we question our judgments
Maybe explore a fresher way of seeing it all
New lenses to view the world differently
And if we’re lucky we may even hear divine call
Let’s leave the dungeon; go to the upper room
Shed the scales in our eyes, so better we may see
Eliminate our biases; let light expose what is
Then maybe we can hope for a greater what will be!
© Vic A Evora


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