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move on

Move on

You’re trapped …. Held hostage from your thoughts; from your emotions.

You try to let go but it’s always there…… always following you; always going to be a part of your life….

You try to forget, try to leave, to make it disappear, but it’s hard to move on hard to deal with reality…… hard to let go of the past, and hard to get rid of the flashbacks that lead to more trauma, more pain, more guilt

If we can’t let go how will we ever believe that we are ok that we are fine that were stable

That we can live without out waking up every morning and having to deal with the consequences of what you have done and how you how you have caused all this pain and grief for yourself and others. But we can still try... Try to move on but almost all of us fail … WILL I FAIL OR WILL I BE THE ONE TO SUCEED AND ESCAPE THE DARKNESS?


Altre opere di Victoria Strohacker...
