

I remember that you were attracted to my mystery. That sacred flame that engulfs my sacred body. I remember feeling like your smile would probably haunt me.  Accompanied by your red cheeks, that unintentionally revealed your feelings. I remember not being scared when I walked up in front of you, and I remember feeling the energy like a magnet pulling me into you. I was surprised that your face unveiled a willingness to understand me too. You think that I’m a player, but as cliché as it sounds, I was until fate introduced me to you.
I know that everyone says it, but I was different before I met you. I was a stranger to true love, and I was friends with the devil since youth. I used people for what I wanted, and I never felt guilt concerning the thought of it. You said that I’m a player, well baby doll that’s a pretty polite word for it. I guess I was just bored and looking for entertainment. I was the stale piece of bread left on the counter, issues from abandonment
I had never thought of my life like a story book. But I was reading the pages and flipping past the misunderstood. I knew that if I paused and reflected on the truth of my character, that I wouldn’t be able to recite my lines or wear the mask that I was committed to wear.
44 chapters in the book of my name. Everyone has one except those who are erased. There were two men who bore witness to my fall from grace. The older man was a musician and handed me his guitar to play. As he watched in awe like he knew that I had talent that would only rot and waste. And the younger man wrote poetry about angel’s harps and innocent children, he wrote about the pulling of my heart strings, and his words spoken aloud, played me like an instrument. I am a fool for a writer and a musician. The only person who seemingly had no purpose and no reason, was the one who took me to the mansion, called disgraceland. His name was the joker. But his role in my story presents a million questions.
Chapter 13 is my favorite in the book, because this is how we met and the reason for it all. We were different at first glance, we were completely opposites at second. But by third glance, the veil over our deceptive masks is broken.. leaving both of us bare, fragile, and naked.
The helpless state of our undisguised souls, the unadorned spirit, uncovered and exposed. True love crept into me like a spider in your shower drain. The jewelry I lost when you lost your humanity. I remember each charm and what each of them meant to me. When you lost your mind, you took away my life, and all of my charms fell, in a puddle of blood next me.©

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