
Twin Souls

I cringe in disgust silently, when you come off a little too desperately, because I see that you’re codependent, and I’m hoping you don’t rub off on me. And you’re shooting your shot nervously, while I’m tapping my foot anxiously, to the ticking of the clock, wondering when you’ll give up on me.
I’m not playing hard to get, but there’s only one man who fills the void. That sadness inside of me that creeps and crawls but makes no noise. It’s silence seems to mock me and interrupts my favorite chorus. The man that owns my heart, is the same man that shares this demon. He understands me before I start to panic, stuttering while I’m speaking. He is the one who smiles for me, when I’m too weak and awkward socially. My head is up in the air, always, and he anchors me, he is gravity.
He draws himself into me. And I can feel the God source energy. I can understand the Arch Angels, and I can see his Angel wings. He was crafted with the same star dust as I was. We are twin souls, created in perfect and divine love. ©©©

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