
two souls

"Two souls don't meet each other by a simple accident" - Jorge Luis Borges

I saw everywhere I went
I remember the way your soft hands felt on my face
When you wiped away my tears
I remember us talking for hours till the night had turned to morning
But now I don’t even know how to say “hi”
With my head on your shoulder I knew I was safe but that slowly
Turned into a memory too
I saw you everywhere I went
Your name in the newspaper
At the groceries shop
At the laundry room
And even in my dreams
From sharing memories and exchanging lives at 3am
I remember I was safe with you
I tried to move on from you
But before I knew it everything changed
I tried to move from you, forget about you
From countless wine bottles
To countless cigarettes that filled my lungs
I still couldn’t move on from you
Forget about you
And the things we once had
With tears down my face it was me
Now that wiped away my tears as you weren’t here
But I remembered you are happy now my friend and it’s time
For me to go as the Lord calls out my name tonight
I didn’t realise until I got older
As my hair got whiter
My knees got weaker
You don’t remember someone by the items you have
But the memories you shared
I remember I loved the way your skin
Would feel against my cheek
As we lay under the starry nights sharing memories and exchanging
I read your old letters
The one you had left
I smiled
I laughed
Then I cried and thought “what will I do without you”
Wines and cigarettes in my body
I needed to find a way to fill this black hole
Of mine
I just wanted you to be proud of me
If you were hear my dear friend
You’d be in tears if you read this head of mine
Maybe we will meet again
When the time is right
But remember this
Two souls don’t meet each other by a simple accident
Two souls....
Me and You.

The inspiration for this poem to came to me on a late night in March evening when I was reading "First Love and Other Novellas" by Samuel Beckett, and I had read a quote that said, "Love brings out the worst in man and no error. But what kind of love was this, exactly? Love-passion?.

I couldn't stop thinking about this quote even when I had fallen asleep. so not too complicate it too much but you never know how much time you have with someone before they leave or become a stranger to you. so have fun with them, make memories, get drunk together, laugh together, simle together, struggle together, because maybe one day you'll be just a stranger to them and the only things that remains is memories, photos and texts messages but "maybe we will meet again when the time is right because... two souls don't meet each other by a simple accident"

#broken #crying #firstlove #SamuelBeckett #soul #wine

Other works by Adi...
