
chariot race

mechanical horses line up at the gate
riders clad in straps of leather
contemplating their fate
Akira Koike takes up pole position
favored to win
his prized stallion fitted with
an atomic booster engine
the steed is comprised of HSLA steel
welded shut from muzzle to heel
the chariot attached is made of chromed magnesium
lightweight and strong with rivets of titanium
Akira waits at the gate for the flag
to lift and fall, and blow pass the stags
to him the other racers are just timid deer
cowering behind their gates in fear
the flag falls from the Colosseum roof
hitting the ground, and out come the hooves
nine steel horses leapt from their gates
hypersonic chariots, corner and accelerate
Koike pushes anyone trying to get by
slamming them in the wall
a fiery demise
if a racer manages to pull up in the ranks
Akira kicks it up a notch
and hits the atomic tank
fireballs shoot from Akira’s wheels
oil slicks dripping from his cockpit
keep the other racers off his heels
competitive by nature, Akira will do anything to win
he knows the world is rough
you’ll sink if you don’t swim
Other works by Sasha Logan...
