
"high school High;

Set your own trend

“High school High”
High school was HIGH^  school for me
FREEDOM was my drug of choice
Not knowing rehab was jail
Fashion was the SIREN that dragged me into trend
Popularity was the degree I studied so well
I failed school but I passed peer pressure
Slowly my books became sheets of Rollin papers
Hallway was my favorite classroom
MY teacher DIDN’T even pass 11th grade but thought me lessons that books itself was  scared to teach  
Like turn QP TO LBS
friends are enemies so treat them like frienemis  
In my HIGH school work was not 9 to 5
But crack, Dipper, weed now that was work
My school I’ve seen  drug dealers
Rollers, hoovers and my personal favorite the DIMES
OH yea also doctors, scientists but they were to dumb for my class
Nah too dull
My high school ends 2: 30p.m. but my after school activity was more so of a college level
Where we carry tools  like mechanic was the major
You asked if I graduated, oh I did to inmate and cap n gown was an  orange jumper
Now who is too kool for skool


High school changed my life
Parkdale high Riverdale.d,
