
The Intruder

He trots in, smirking,
Brandishing his weapon.
The man knows, this will inspire fear into what lurks in the room.
It is only when he fires, when he disturbs the stasis,
When he sees.
And when he sees, he freezes.
Because the man is not the only creature who resides in the room.
But he is the only human.
The room resonates with the soft whisper of hundred men,
but with the cry of a million beings.
The unwelcome figure, however, is silent.
Transfixed, not in astonishment, but in terror.
Surely he will flee.
And when the crisp crunching beneath his foot reminds him,
He does.
No man knows what the man deemed the room to house
But what really was in there, the creatures know.
And they are puzzled. Why would a man leave their paradise?
Was he not content with bliss?
Nonetheless, they continue with their music,
As if the room was still pristine and untouched.
But the new arrivals are not yet finished.
Due to the efforts of the intruder, a new visitor joins this enterprise,
But he is welcome.
The moonlight slips through the crevice, past the bullet that ushered him in,
And dances to the tune.


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