
Cigarettes & Aviator Sunglasses

R.I.P. Grandpa

I miss him...
Every part of him
From the cigarettes in his breast pocket
To the aviator sunglasses that covered his hazel eyes
He’s been gone for 10 years now,
Leaving nothing but a widow and his memory.
Taking his wisdom and kindness with him.
Taking his laugh
Taking his smile
Taking his voice
“Never settle for less than what you love.”-
is the last thing I remember him saying.
Now my life’s motto.
He never took life for granted.
Lived life to the fullest.
Until 54...
When his life spilled like an over poured glass.
He was a man who cared.
A man with no enemies.
A man who was buried–
with a pack of cigarettes and his aviator sunglasses.

