
The Survivor

A Poem about Surviving Abuse

The story of us begin a spring so bright,
We danced through the days, embracing every night,
Together we planted flowers for our love,
Each one bloomed with promises from the stars above.
But as the petals fell and stars lost their gleam,
Stitches binding our love story tore at the seam.
In your silent indifference laughter faded,
The flowers wilted with the secrets you shaded,
The melodies I wrote you were left unsung,
As I struggled to mend the chains come undone.
Your verbal arrows easily found their mark,
Piercing tender skin, sinking into my heart.
Through the storm of your resentment, my love was worn,
And our scattered love petals lay trampled and torn.
In the aftermath of your tempest, I stand,
A survivor of you, lost in a wasteland.
With hope as my needle, and self-love as thread,
I will stitch the broken heart you left for dead.
Other works by Amey J. F....
