
I Don't Need

No Need

I used to be a God fearing woman
Doing good for myself
Always in church
Until I met you
You was handsome
Always knew what to say
With a style of your own
My heart was gone
You tried to take my life over
Never trusted me
Wanted to know where I went
How long was I gone?
Needed to meet all my friends
But you didnt like them
They were not good enough for you
You put them down
Always tried to tell me what to do
Got your friends to come over
They tried to get me to sleep with them
When I wouldnt they told you lies
You believed them instead of me
Then you tried to hit on me
You found out I don’t let men hit on me
You called me names and put me down
Guess what, I don’t need you
I have God to love me
I don’t need your drugs
Or your fancy words
All I need is my Faith
My will to live
Bible to read
I can do it all without you


Women dont ever let any man hit on you. That is not a man and that is not love. Stop it before it is to late. If they do not respect you. You don't need them.

#Drugs #Faith #Hurt #Life #Lonely #Love #Need #Sleep #Trust

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