
The Bonny Earl of Murray

YE Highlands and ye Lawlands,
O where hae ye been?
They hae slain the Earl of Murray,
   And hae laid him on the green.
Now wae be to thee, Huntley!
   And whairfore did ye sae!
I bade you bring him wi’ you,
   But forbade you him to slay.
He was a braw gallant,
   And he rid at the ring;
Ana the bonny Earl of Murray,
   O he might hae been a king!
He was a braw gallant,
   And he play’d at the ba’;
And the bonny Earl of Murray
   Was the flower amang them a’!
He was a braw gallant,
   And he play’d at the gluve;
And the bonny Earl of Murray,
   O he was the Queen’s luve!
O lang will his Lady
   Look owre the Castle Downe,
Ere she see the Earl of Murray
   Come sounding through the town!

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