

effects of addiction

Hi my names Mark, I’m addicted to crack
and you know you’re addicted when you’re scared to look back
but I tried to look back at the time I first tried it
a friend offered me some kind of kind hearted
and I said no thanks, I don’t do that stuff
but after I while things got tough
and I said to myself agh let me just try it
so tried it I did and it made me excited and happy and all the bad things just faded away, until taking a hit became part of my day.
My teachers gave up, a lost cause I was called.
My friends were shocked and my parents appalled.
what have I done? what have I done? Now here’s a problem I couldn’t outrun.
I realized I hadn’t eaten in days, my loss of appetite, my eyes were glazed.
I was anxious, depressed and breathed really fast.
I hoped these effects wouldn’t last
but they lasted some time, until one day I said to myself you will be fine
so I picked up my bag and my last shred of pride and I walked with a little more step in my stride
I went to find help wherever I could, I would beat this drug, I would I would.
So slowly I stopped taking the hit, I became more energetic more physically fit.
I felt hungry again and picked up some weight,
was just in a much more happier state.
I got a job at a local Mcdees,
it didn’t pay much but it paid some fees.
I get the urge every now and then but I just stop myself and
count. To. Ten.
Because I will beat this addiction of mine, nomore hits. no more lines.
Hi my names mark I’m addicted to crack, and all I wish now is that I could go back.


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