
To Watch Me Fall

It never really sank in,
the thought that maybe this isn’t where I’m suppose to be,
cause the only thing in my sites is you and me,
I couldn’t, wouldn’t ask for anyone else
cause in my darkest times you make me feel so alive,
it doesn’t matter what we go through
cause I knwo when the end comes we have each other to hold on to,
but if you’re gonna let me fall do it now do it now before it cost me it all,
I don’t wanna fall without you there
I don’t even wanna cry even though i know i will,
right now i really want to cause the distance is back
I jsut want it to go away, yes it really is that bad,
please tell me the light is still shining
cause I just can’t see it anymore with the surrounding darkness,
myself yes I’m the mess, yes I’m the reason, yes I’m it all,
My screams are silent as off the ledge I push myself,
Just to watch me fall.


Other works by Antonio Martelini...
