
Jungle Cat

Like a jungle cat, with claws extended,
Her eyes focused hard, as she transcended.
Deadly jaws, not from fangs, but from her smiles,
Luring in prey, or chasing them for miles.
Like a jungle cat, just swishing its tail,
She twirls her hair, knowing she won’t fail.
A comfortable game, like licking paws,
A perfected routine, there are no flaws.
Like a panthers fur, her hair sleek and smooth,
She readies to pounce, preparing to move.
She uncrosses her legs, the time is now.
Her voice not a roar, but a pretty me-ow.
Prey had been sighted, a handsome young man.
As he looked her way, he muttered,”God Damn...”
Their very first touch, immediate fire.
The heat of the moment, he did admire.
He felt very lucky, although he shouldn’t.
Surviving the night, he surely wouldn’t.
For this lioness, was not just for show,
She did have a purpose, this you should know.
Constantly prowling, forever on guard,
From the worst childhood, she was indeed scarred.
Sadistic inside, hidden by beauty.
To make the kill was her only duty.
Tearing up hope and shredding up free will,
For what is a hunter, without her kill.
The handsome young man’s glee, soon diminished.
And he cried and begged, not to be finished.
The pathetic scene, filled her with content.
She planned to stall, savouring to extent.
Once at her lair, in the lion’s den,
She held him hostage, and began to sin.
His binded body, quite the sight for her,
Hell, such a good catch made this kitty purr...
He woke from her knocking him unconscious,
Watching him as she sat back on her haunches.
He tried to scream, but before sound came out,
“Speak when spoken to!”, she said with a shout.
He quieted fast, giving up on the light.
Oh, how she wished she could just take a bite.
Her lips found his, they were hot like the sun.
No more playing games, its time for the fun.
She’s so excited, practically hissing,
Knife interrupting passionate kissing.
She’d taken a blade, sawing through his tongue,
While she did this, she smiled and sung.
To the shrieks of pain, she was listening,
Her gorgeous smile bright, eyes glistening.
Her instinct took over, as it does a lot,
Being so sick, her soul would surely rot.
His shrieks of pain, turning into hell screams,
The end is near, I’m afraid it so seems...
After a minute, out came the entrails,
Intestines and blood, I’ll skip the details.
All around her lips, she began to lick,
Blood blending in with her deep red lipstick.
Twitching on the ground, she gave him a wink,
The loss of a life, not twice did she think.
She admired the scene, happened so fast,
Found solace in knowing he wasn’t the last.
His mangled carcass spit out one last word.
“Why?” he gurgled, and only she heard.
The word stung throughout her psychotic mind.
She stomped on the throat of whom she’d just dined,
An automatic impulse, that deed was.
The crazy inside, acting as it does.
The jungle cat was trapped, mentally caged.
Head never forgetting, although she’d aged.
From the worst childhood, she was indeed scarred
Fire of love, now perpetually charred.
Her innocence taken, sadly exposed.
Symphony of death, was now composed.
How dare God make her remember again,
Had He not heard her when she’d say, “Amen”?
Her suffering contagious, claiming lives.
Sadness within, the only thing that thrives.
Her value of life, all but depleted.
The panther finally, had been defeated.
Paw caught in an immovable jaw trap,
Applying pressure, until, a firm snap.
Her fate can’t be tamed, ‘tis far too distraught.
Poor girl, suicide, was her only thought.
She practiced once more, her perfected art,
And pierced her blade, right through a beating heart.


I had an amazing time writing this poem for my English Literature class. It is written in iambic pentameter and was inspired by the great Edgar Allen Poe.

