
Putting Out the Sun

And he was the start of a flame that had caught her eye.. the start of something that would set her soul on fire or turn her skies to grey... the beginning and the end all in one
Her days were spent longing... her nights consumed with thoughts of what was and was not to be.
This was something that she could not escape, something that  could not be stopped if she used all of her might.
It was like looking into the sun and yet she could not turn away... because when she gazed upon him she was free, eyes burning and free. When she looked away all she saw was grey and ash and grey
It was wrong and she had always been right before but this time... this time right and wrong were one and the same
All of her world was a cage, a small room from which she could not escape. But he was her window, a temporary escape from what she dreaded everyday.
How could she nail it shut?...Never look at him again... never gaze upon the sun? Would she wither and die?
She did not know but she would try to extinguish this flame, this start of a flame that lit her soul on fire... a flame that would have burned forever... A flame that was her beginning and her end
