
Storyteller Christ Forever

Summer brimming with sacrilegious passion,
electromagnetic attraction in a chaotic fashion.
Can’t seem to get enough of you, like, ever.
Impulse-driven souls, screwed-up heads,
to you I say, “With you there are no accidents.”
Why would I ever adore the eucharist when I have you?
Do you feel the same about me? Baby, please be true.
Out of all things that could be running in my mind
I’m relieved that death isn’t one of them right now.
Not when I’m with you, at 10 p.m. You won’t allow it.
I’ll love you till I break like there’s no tomorrow
take me to your heaven and salvation will soon follow.
Promise, love, you won’t ever leave me like I left myself.
Would our love be the same when we wake up in the morning?
‘Cause I’ve been afraid of losing you. I know that
my melancholia weighs heavy on your meek little heart.
I hope it doesn’t end up like each time. Me on the bed.
At 7:30 p.m, bloodshot eyes, new bottles, new straws,
Work Song looping with me weeping till I break
until it’s tomorrow only to start it all over again.
Hold you tight in my arms, not letting myself surrender,
see what has become the state of your storyteller,
even though his fate was always Christ forever.
This cruel world has left me here to die at my own hands,
I watch myself sin, stop, and then sin even more.
But you are my world.
The better world.
The best world.
Healing me back slowly, but I won’t heal all the way through
‘cause someday you will leave too. They all do.
Just how it works. Comes knocking at my door redemption
but once I answer it, I learn that it’s actually perdition.
I was right.
You did leave me.
I knew it was inevitable.
Life is unpredictable but the people in it are foreseeable.
You wish for the sad memories to die when you are happy
and you wish for the happy memories to die when you are sad.
But life doesn’t work like that. Too bad it doesn’t.
I’m feeling the closest to heaven one can be.
I’ve said yes, so now nothing no longer bothers me.
Out of all the things that can be running in my mind now
I’m relieved that it is death. And if I’m with myself—
which I am, so, I think, now, at 7:30 p.m, I will allow it.
