
What if.

What if life was to short?
And dreams were too long
Where everything seems perfect,
And nothing is wrong.
What if imagination is where we fly?
Where we’re meant to be.
Where if only you were to smile,
Your soul would be set free.
Living life outside the box,
Not just sitting around;
Not compressed to these sad feelings,
Not just being down.
Trusting the ones you need to trust,
With all that’s in your heart;
Showing them unconditional love,
To never be set apart.
To find the boy that truly makes you smile,
The one that gives you butterflies,
The boy that’s different from everyone else,
The boy with the beautiful brown eyes.
The boy with the smile that makes everything better,
The one that makes you realize:
Life’s much more then we want it to be,
It’s more than the air we breathe,
Or the things we see.
Life is who we are,
Who we’re meant to be..
Life’s not just everything,
Life is you and me.
